MVD Hearings in Phoenix
Our Experienced DUI Attorneys Can Represent You in Arizona MVD Hearings
If you are arrested for driving under the influence, you may face many consequences, including having your license suspended. If an individual is charged with a criminal case for a DUI, they will be required to attend two separate cases: a criminal heading and a civil hearing. The latter happens for the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Motor Vehicle Division. These meetings are known as MVD hearings.
While many people worry about their criminal charges, it is important not to overlook the civil hearings. Although these meetings are informal in nature, they discuss important matters such as whether or not the defendant’s license will be suspended. This hearing can also have a direct effect on the penalties of the arrest.
Hearings of any sort can be a scary thing. Hire representation to ensure that your rights are protected. At MayesTelles PLLC, our DUI attorneys have extensive experience speaking in MVD hearings. Allow us to help you! We prioritize the needs of our clients and work hard on their behalf.
Call today (602) 428-7104 to speak with one of our attorneys!
Types of MVD Hearings
One of the common misconceptions of MVD hearings is that there is only one kind. This can be limiting when you try to prepare for your case and do not know which hearing you will attend. MVD hearings have many different variations, tailored to the case at hand.
Common MVD Hearings include:
- Implied Consent Hearing – This form of hearing discusses whether the defendant was in control of the vehicle at the time of their arrest and whether or not they refused to take chemical and breath tests. Arizona is an implied consent state, meaning drivers give consent to alcohol detection tests when driving. Refusal of the latter can mean a year of license suspension.
- Administrative Per Se Hearing – This hearing looks at whether the officer had reason to believe the driver was driving recklessly, whether the driver’s BAC was over the limit, whether the tests were accurate, and what form of DUI charges the defendant faces.
- Negligent Operator ‘Points’ Hearing – This hearing looks at the defendant’s past record and whether they’ve accumulated past points on their driving record. This can affect their license suspension.
Take the Next Step to Protect Yourself
MVD hearings can be very important in determining the outcome of your DUI charges. Before you step into Arizona’s Motor Vehicle Department, make sure you obtain the representation you need to protect your rights. Our DUI attorneys at MayesTelles PLLC, are familiar with the motor vehicle department and can help you through your hearing.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We will help you through every step. Do not let a DUI charge stop you from living.

We've Won Thousands of Cases
Charges Reduced to Reckless Driving
Client R.C. was stopped by Mesa Police for a civil traffic violation and later charged with DUI, Extreme DUI, and Super Extreme DUI in a justice court. During the course of their representation, MayesTelles attorneys discovered important inconsistencies in the police reports. When we presented these issues to the State, the prosecutor’s office agreed to drop all DUI charges.
Fatal Commercial Vehicle Accident
MayesTelles Client A.F. and her husband tragically lost their unborn child as a result of the negligence of an individual operating a commercial vehicle in Yuma, Arizona. After substantial investigation including accident reconstruction and filing a lawsuit, the insurance company paid out the policy limits of $1,000,000.00.
4 Counts of Aggravated DUI Dismissed
Client M.W. was charged with 4 counts of Aggravated DUI in the Maricopa County Superior Court in July 2016 for allegedly riding a motorized bicycle under the influence. The attorneys at MayesTelles demanded that the State include certain materials in their presentation to the grand jury, resulting in the grand jury refusing to indict and the case being dismissed.
Client Charged with DUI
Client, GS, charged with DUI - sentence was reduced to reckless driving.
Client Facing Assault Felony
M.L. was charged with 1 count of Aggravated Assault, a class 3 dangerous felony. She plead guilty to Aggravated Assault, a class 6 undesignated felony, with a stipulation to 3 months of initial jail. She received credit for 32 days and the rest of the jail time was deferred. She was placed on 3 years of supervised probation. She has the opportunity to designate the offense a misdemeanor after successfully completing probation. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with DUI
Our client, A.R, was charged with 1 count of DUI and 1 count of Failure to Control Speed to Avoid a Collision. During extensive pre-trial investigation, it was discovered that the police made many errors in how they handled the case. We were able to get the client's charges reduced to reckless driving. Location: Glendale City Court
Client Charged with Four Felony Counts
Our client, Ms. D., was charged with two counts of forgery - a class 4 Felony as well as theft - a class 2 Felony and also fraudulent schemes and artifices - a class 2 Felony. We were able to get her conviction reduced to a class 6 undesignated felony with the opportunity to reduce further to a misdemeanor. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Trespass & Assault
Our client, T.C., was charged in Maricopa County Superior Court on July 8, 2015 with 1 count of Criminal Trespass, a class 6 felony, and 1 count Assault, a class 2 Misdemeanor. On September 9, 2015, after an 8-day jury trial, our client was found not guilty on both charges. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Shoplifting
Our client, Ms. H., was charged with shoplifting - a class 1 misdemeanor. We were able to get her conviction set aside. Location: Phoenix Municipal Court
Client Faced 5 Felony Sex Offenses
Our client, Mr. C., was charged with five counts of felony sex offenses, including two counts of Sex Conduct with a Minor and three counts of Molestation of a Child. We were able to get the case dismissed upon a successful Motion to Dismiss. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Disorderly Conduct
Our client, K.F., was charged with Disorderly Conduct, a class 1 misdemeanor. We were able to get this client's case dismissed. Location: Tempe Municipal Court
Client Facing Multiple Criminal Charges
Our client, L.S., was charged on October 20, 2014 in Mesa for an assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage. MayesTelles PLLC was able to get those charges dismissed.
Client Facing Multiple Domestic Violence Offenses
Our client, Ms. C., was facing charges of assault / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor), disorderly conduct / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor), and criminal damage / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor). We were able to get our client's case dismissed. Location: Mesa Municipal Court
Charged with Assault & Failure to Appear
Our client, L.S., was charged in Phoenix on December 27, 2014 for assault and failure to appear. After completing diversion, our client's case was dismissed.
Multiple Felony Theft Offenses
Our client, Mr. C., was charged with Theft of Means of Transportation (Class 3 Felony) and Trafficking in Stolen Property (Class 3 Felony). Both class 3 felonies have a possible sentencing range of 2 - 8.75 years in prison. We were able to get our client's charge reduced to a Class 1 Misdemeanor with no jail time. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court