Pre-Indictment & Pre-Charging Representation
Understanding the Need for Pre-Indictment Representation
If you are being investigated for a crime, or if you believe that you will be charged with a crime, the best thing you can do to defend yourself is to hire a knowledgeable attorney to represent you before you are charged. Pre-indictment and pre-charging representation could result in the ending of a police investigation and no charges ever being brought against you.
In most criminal cases, a case is assigned to a detective once a police report is made. Police detectives start their investigation by:
- Reviewing the information gathered up to that point
- Trying to contact the suspect for an interrogation and further investigation
- Interrogating suspicious suspects
Police interrogations and surveillance techniques are designed to accomplish one thing: to induce a suspect to make statements that will ultimately be used against them in court.
Investigators are trained to convince a suspect to enter into an interrogation by calling it an interview and telling the suspect that they "just want to get their side of the story." These tactics are designed to build a rapport with a suspect so that they will waive their Miranda rights (the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney) and agree to speak with the detective. A police interrogation can last for hours, and every word spoken will be dissected and could be used against you.
How can a Phoenix pre-charging lawyer help me?
When the attorneys at MayesTelles PLLC represent a person during the investigation stage, the first thing we do is get between you and the police. Our lawyers will contact police investigators and make sure they know that you are being represented by an attorney. We will also evaluate any request made by police investigators to interrogate, evaluate, or test you, and we will ensure that you do not compromise your position by participating in any interrogation or evaluation that will harm your interest.
In addition to avoiding police contact and risks of you giving up important rights, the attorneys at MayesTelles PLLC evaluate all police techniques, such as confrontation calls, requests for biological evidence, and wiretaps, in order to advise you about what you need to wary of and how the police will try to build a case against you. Our attorneys will also contact the prosecutor in charge of evaluating your case for official charges.
By communicating directly with the charging attorney, the lawyers at MayesTelles PLLC will advocate your position and encourage the prosecutor that official charges are not in the interest of justice due to a lack of evidence, or due reasonable unlikelihood of conviction at trial.
The attorneys at MayesTelles PLLC can evaluate the allegations against you and to communicate directly with the prosecutor as to what the appropriate charges, if any, should be. For example, if the police requests that a person be charged with a felony, but the facts show that the charges should be a misdemeanor. Our attorneys will discuss the discrepancies directly with the prosecutor to maximize the possibility that you will not be overcharged.
Hire a Phoenix Pre-Indictment Attorney Immediately
Once a person is charged, it is very difficult to convince a prosecutor to dismiss the case or to go back and undo any mistakes made during the investigative and charging phases. Moreover, the alleged offender faces serious consequences, such as pretrial incarceration (sometimes with no possibility of a bond or bail), having to post a bond or bail, and having to defeat their case at a jury trial. In many circumstances, all of these hardships can be avoided by having a competent attorney to represent you before you ever are charged.
For more information about pre-indictment and pre-charging representation, call and speak with an attorney at MayesTelles PLLC right away.

We've Won Thousands of Cases
Charges Reduced to Reckless Driving
Client R.C. was stopped by Mesa Police for a civil traffic violation and later charged with DUI, Extreme DUI, and Super Extreme DUI in a justice court. During the course of their representation, MayesTelles attorneys discovered important inconsistencies in the police reports. When we presented these issues to the State, the prosecutor’s office agreed to drop all DUI charges.
Fatal Commercial Vehicle Accident
MayesTelles Client A.F. and her husband tragically lost their unborn child as a result of the negligence of an individual operating a commercial vehicle in Yuma, Arizona. After substantial investigation including accident reconstruction and filing a lawsuit, the insurance company paid out the policy limits of $1,000,000.00.
4 Counts of Aggravated DUI Dismissed
Client M.W. was charged with 4 counts of Aggravated DUI in the Maricopa County Superior Court in July 2016 for allegedly riding a motorized bicycle under the influence. The attorneys at MayesTelles demanded that the State include certain materials in their presentation to the grand jury, resulting in the grand jury refusing to indict and the case being dismissed.
Client Charged with DUI
Client, GS, charged with DUI - sentence was reduced to reckless driving.
Client Facing Assault Felony
M.L. was charged with 1 count of Aggravated Assault, a class 3 dangerous felony. She plead guilty to Aggravated Assault, a class 6 undesignated felony, with a stipulation to 3 months of initial jail. She received credit for 32 days and the rest of the jail time was deferred. She was placed on 3 years of supervised probation. She has the opportunity to designate the offense a misdemeanor after successfully completing probation. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with DUI
Our client, A.R, was charged with 1 count of DUI and 1 count of Failure to Control Speed to Avoid a Collision. During extensive pre-trial investigation, it was discovered that the police made many errors in how they handled the case. We were able to get the client's charges reduced to reckless driving. Location: Glendale City Court
Client Charged with Four Felony Counts
Our client, Ms. D., was charged with two counts of forgery - a class 4 Felony as well as theft - a class 2 Felony and also fraudulent schemes and artifices - a class 2 Felony. We were able to get her conviction reduced to a class 6 undesignated felony with the opportunity to reduce further to a misdemeanor. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Trespass & Assault
Our client, T.C., was charged in Maricopa County Superior Court on July 8, 2015 with 1 count of Criminal Trespass, a class 6 felony, and 1 count Assault, a class 2 Misdemeanor. On September 9, 2015, after an 8-day jury trial, our client was found not guilty on both charges. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Shoplifting
Our client, Ms. H., was charged with shoplifting - a class 1 misdemeanor. We were able to get her conviction set aside. Location: Phoenix Municipal Court
Client Faced 5 Felony Sex Offenses
Our client, Mr. C., was charged with five counts of felony sex offenses, including two counts of Sex Conduct with a Minor and three counts of Molestation of a Child. We were able to get the case dismissed upon a successful Motion to Dismiss. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court
Client Charged with Disorderly Conduct
Our client, K.F., was charged with Disorderly Conduct, a class 1 misdemeanor. We were able to get this client's case dismissed. Location: Tempe Municipal Court
Client Facing Multiple Criminal Charges
Our client, L.S., was charged on October 20, 2014 in Mesa for an assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage. MayesTelles PLLC was able to get those charges dismissed.
Client Facing Multiple Domestic Violence Offenses
Our client, Ms. C., was facing charges of assault / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor), disorderly conduct / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor), and criminal damage / domestic violence (class 1 misdemeanor). We were able to get our client's case dismissed. Location: Mesa Municipal Court
Charged with Assault & Failure to Appear
Our client, L.S., was charged in Phoenix on December 27, 2014 for assault and failure to appear. After completing diversion, our client's case was dismissed.
Multiple Felony Theft Offenses
Our client, Mr. C., was charged with Theft of Means of Transportation (Class 3 Felony) and Trafficking in Stolen Property (Class 3 Felony). Both class 3 felonies have a possible sentencing range of 2 - 8.75 years in prison. We were able to get our client's charge reduced to a Class 1 Misdemeanor with no jail time. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court